A man is watching TV and his wife comes down and says, "I just fell down the stairs, did you not hear me?"
Man, "Sorry, I thought it was the start of Eastenders!"
Why do orphans hate Cocomelon?
Because the parents are in every episode.
I remember the time that Gordon Ramsay did a African food episode... it was a short episode to bad he couldn’t find any
The show COPS has been dropped from broadcast
honoring the longstanding tradition of police turning off their cameras.
How much drugs did Charlie Sheen take? Enough to kill two and half men.
Have you heard of the show Naked and Afraid?...... That's what I call hide and seek with my uncle
How does Skeletor feel after He-Man beats him up?
Yo mama so ugly that Mr. Rogers doesn’t wanna be her neighbor.
Why do shows have a family? Because they are "Pair-rents"!
Ur mum is so fat, that when she walked past the television I missed a whole series of SpongeBob
What does a blind man crying and an unplugged TV in common?
Nothing can be seen when they get turned on.
Aw hell naw,
dey turned Spongilebile in2 a frigin generator.