What do you call a dumpster with an antenna on it? Radio Morocco.
I saw a kid with no phone. I gave him an iPhone 14.
Except it had no home button.
I was going to post a Kobe Briant joke, but the site crashed.
I'm not a robot, but orphans are.
Did you know that Stephen Hawking's death was an accident because he pressed "shut down" instead of "sleep mode?"
You go h dichotomy lol what do you want to what what’s the name for the address for sure what’s what I name it says I name it lol I don’t o I have to get r CB n nu set set e Okay okay I’ll be at my place.
Steven Hawking was so excited for Christmas till he realized he got socks.
Orphans around my area only watched Youtube Shorts.
I asked them and then realized they can't click the home button.
What were the webs?
Planes shouldn't have free Wi-Fi. Why? Because the last time they had free Wi-Fi, well here's what happened...
On September eleventh 2001, (children scream).
It was just a big hunter killer drone.
"Warning, all unsaved progress will be lost." - Sun Tzu, The Art Of War.
*gets hit by a car*
Passerby: "ARE YOU OKAY?"
Me: "Please...I need my...phone."
*opens twitter*
Stephen Hawking is just in a role play. He died to a crash in Minecraft.
Hey Siri, skip to Friday!
POV: Me going to jail after giving the orphan kid a computer without the motherboard.
What's the difference between red wings and old cassette tape players?
One eats tape while the other eats pussy.
If your controller ever dies, remember those people that died on the submersible.
I was asked to design a website for an orphanage, so I decided to design it without the home page.
My friend is an amazing hacker. He cut down 23 trees already.