
Teacher Jokes

An asian student was learning logarithm in class, he wrote down his name after the question, teacher asked why, "my class ID is number 1"

Teacher: hi class today we wll learn about the song, London Bridge is falling down falling down, then one student said I thought it was "twin towers are falling down falling down"!

Science teacher: How many times can the earth fit into the sun? Me: As many times as the earth can fit into you.

When the quiet kid tells you not to go to school the next day but your mom makes you go anyway

on the first day of school, the teacher asked a student " what are your parent's names?" the student replied " my father's name is Laughing and my mother's name is smiling" the teacher said " are you kidding" the student said, "no kidding is my brother I am joking."

Teacher: we are going to Seville Girls: Omg it's such a beautiful city I cant wait to explore Boys: Ohh oh oh ohhh Omg thanks for 1000 likes

Teacher: Great! You’re studying in break time! Student: Thank you. I heard that it is good to study before sleep.

Teacher: what comes after C? Me: Ooh! Ooh! C4! Teacher: umm ok... but still what comes after A? Me: AK47!!! Teacher thought: oh hell na Teacher: what comes after x? Me: xplosin 1 sec later bomb goes off idk

A kindergarten class is learning about the alphabet. The teacher asked, "What comes after M?" Little Timmy reached into his backpack and yelled "16!"

Don’t you hate it when your teacher(s) say, “just focus, it’s that easy”

And then you die inside

Tell your teacher this: I passed a test that took 60 minutes, it wasn't your work, it wasn't my work, it was hour work!