
Teacher Jokes

So in class they were learning about where food comes from: Teacher- so kids where does bacon come from? Student- PIGS Teacher- correct where does mutton come from? Student- SHEEP teacher- and finally here’s your homework- student- IK where that comes from! A FAT COW! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

A student got a bad lettered grade so the next day he came back with his own lettered grade in his backpack an A....... K47

There were 3 guys in detetenion called zip willy pee and they were all being naughty the teacher came in and said zip down willy out pee in the corner

do you know what the equivalent to hell is theses days 1. listening to your teacher 2. not haveing your phone/ game / tv 3. not haveing niccotine

:popular girl. Sorry iM lAtE. :teacher. Why are u late! :girl. I NeEd My BueAty SleEp :Nerd. Well u might need to hibernate because u ain’t pretty

What’s a lung’s favorite type of exercise

Breathing exercises

I told this to my English teacher and he said it to the class and no one laughed someone help)

When the teacher dismissed the class to go home

The orphan where do I go

The teacher home

Orphan catch me on the streets then