
Super Jokes

Whenever someone calls me ugly, I get super sad and hug them, because I know how tough life is for the visually impaired.

What is the difference between super man and an emo kid... superman can actually land

YO MAMA! Yo mama so fat... she brought a spoon... to the SUPER BOOOOOOWL! YEAHHHHHHH!!!!!

i like touching things that have been in space. i was super excited when i got to meet an astronaut

When i was 11 My mom came home from the bar super drunk that night and I just wanted to know if they knew where was the cat because I heard a noise.................we had a loooooooong talk the next morning.

What do you say to your pet when your super tired, slow, and worn out?

I'm totally dogging it today...

Everyone “look it’s super man” me “no it’s an emo” everybody “oh”.

Which ones super super corny? 🤨🤨

.What's blue and not heavy? (🤔) Light blue

2. What's blue and super hard to see

Dark blue (🤔)