what game does a suicidal person who is very bad at word or guessing games love?
i called the suicide hotline and he suggested i drew on myself to distract myself. i replied id get ink poisoning
wouldnt recommend the police came
My ex-boyfriend threatened to kill me because I was suicidal. I wanted to tell him “well can we get what we both want?” “ I was already planning on dying anyway.”
They say they'll stay but i left firstt
I know this place may be cruel, but hang in there!
I was in a motivational seminar about depression the other day and she said i could be anything i wanted to be if i put my mind to it, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and do it even if it's messy
You got a black cat. He was bad luck. Everyone left you and you comited suicide. What a CATastrophe.
i am a reverse rapper because i put bars in my mouth
So you know those people that commit suicide by hanging them selves I guess they lost Hangman
What did i say to the bridge
Bye bridge