Yo mama was so dumb, he didn't know how to turn on his computer.
How do you win an argument against an emo kid?
Give him a gun, he'll just shoot himself.
What do you call a person who keeps making jokes about rappers?
An annoying prick whose black dad left him as a kid.
Rapboat steals more rhymes than black people steal cars.
Why do rappers make great fishermen?
They always have the best HOOKS.
If you thought an inner-city black boy cannot transform into a deranged pale Karen... well, just look at Michael Jackson.
I used to have a girlfriend who would argue with me a lot for no reason. I look at her feet and say to her, "Here is £15, give yourself a foot pedicure, then come back to me. It clearly shows you have man feet. You are a woman; you should have woman feet. No wonder you boss me around too much as if you're the man of the house."
Jake, tommy, and mike were adopted. Jake got adopted, tommy got adopted and mike. Mike grew up to be a office worker. So you get a new job, and here something about this guy named mike, The next day you go into the office and mike is sitting next to you, with unicorns and Rainbows and stuff, then, a co-worker comes up and says “No one told you mike was gonna be this GGGAAAAYYYYY!!
Why did the kid named Jeff become gay? Because he grew up without a father figure. Hahaha, I love dark humor!
How do you get 100 dead babies into a tub? Put them in the blender.
How do you get them out of the tub? Give mexicans tortilla chips and tell them theres salsa in the tub.
Ever wonder why pandas are endangered? Well, China's overcrowded, and therefore they're starving. They have to eat...
Panda: "My god. They're coming! Run! They're hungry! Run! Roll down the hill!"
Chinese People At Bottom Of Mountain With Spears: "Ching chong wing bong KABOB!!!"
What do autistics, women, and chinks have in common? They can't fuckin' drive.
What do women and peanut butter have in common?
They're both easy to spread.
Why are hill billies so weird? Because their name is Billy.
What do you get when you put a clown, a peodophile, a gay wet person?
Answer: YOUR DAD
"Penis equals power, pussy equals wussy."
My friend said, "Dude, if you don't put your desk in line with the column, you're gay." So he did it, and I said, "Well, I guess now he's straight." ;D
What does a ginger do when they want to high five a friend? They clap.
The bully: You're gay.
The nerd: I am.
The bully: Yeah.
The nerd: Then what are you?
Why are all the emos banned from Six Flags?
Because they keep cutting in line.