Whats the Diffrence between a gay Man and a Hairline.
The Hairline is way straighter
The last Words of a depressive Person are:"Yay,Freedom"
What does a Emo with his Friends? Litteraly hanging out.
Orphans dont have Phones,because the Home Button doesnt work
Femboys are looking kinda tasty for a date,espicically the Dick and their Balls
The last Words from a depressive Person are:"I finally see a Train"
Why Demons are dying from Priestwater?The Soul from a Priest is completly diffrent
How do you call a Goth with Feelings?Emomotional
What kind of Videos Orphans cant watch?Family friendly Content.
I kicked into someone Ball.Now i got a red Card
How does the Next Train Stop for a depressive Person? Death
Why do priests play Geometry Dash? Cuz they can beat Demons.
Whats the favorite Song of an Emo? Chain Hang Low
I wanted to make a Joke about Homeworks,but sadly im an Orphan