Did you hear about the terrorist comedian?
He was actually quite funny...
He just blew the delivery.
(I'll show myself out).
Did you hear about the terrorist comedian?
He was actually quite funny...
He just blew the delivery.
(I'll show myself out).
Where do terrorists go for a drink?
At the Allahu-ak Bar.
The reason they attacked the towers is because the terrorists thought the towers were giant middle fingers pointed at them. What silly saudis!
I'm a poor Indian, please help me.
It's not a hate crime if you don't hate the person.
You will never see a redneck opposing a war.
He will instead say, "Wait, I get to kill people and it's not illegal? And they're foreigners?"
What do you call a disabled Chinese person?
Sum Ting Wong.
Kid singing “abcd.”
Person says, “No, no, it’s obcd.”
What’s the difference between orphans and cars?
I don’t have 1080 cars in my basement.
I would make a joke about fat people, but they already have enough on their plate.
So I saw a bag full of children near a dumpster. I guess we know where the orphans are when the parents didn’t want them.
Wouldn’t want to hope a Catholic priest comes along, otherwise the priest will have new sex toys.
Why are "Redneck" murder cases the HARDEST to solve?
Answer: Because ALL the DNA "Matches", and there are NO "Dental Records".