Mfs be saying Kobe is good at basketball cause he is 6 feet, ye 6 feet underground.
There are three types of people in the world:
Those who can count and those who can’t.
What do Michelangelo and Hitler have in common?
They both used their brain to paint the ceiling.
No scope, bitch!
If you ever get chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire.
They're trained for that.
A girl walked into a job interview. The interviewer said, "You are what we are looking for, but I need to test your skills." He hands her a pen. He said, "Sell me this pen." She puts it between her boobs.
Why is a pro fighter like a fisher?
They both can throw a hook.
After 40 years, Kobe finally learned to pass.
Why is the eagle a bird with many skills? Because it’s talon-ted!
Why can’t I drive? 'Cuz my dad never showed me how, yet.
Someone asked me if I've ever tried to kill myself. I responded, "Absolutely. A few times actually. I'm just not very good at it."
My mom told me that she got a new job & I don't have to leave the house. Then my mom told all my customers are the men that live in our neighborhood Then I ask what is your job call. My mom said job hand, then I said job and or is hand job . My mom said yeah that it. My mom said I;m good at my job that why all the males are always knocking at the door.
Chuck Norris trained Dude Perfect how to do it.
What do you call an expert fisherman?
Some people can juggle chainsaws. Chuck Norris can juggle people juggling chainsaws.
Chuck Norris can do a wheelie on a unicycle.
Here are some skeleton jokes.
You know the average person tries too hard and works himself to the bone.
If that joke didn't tickle your funny bone, I can give you a real humorous joke.
I used to play the trumpet, now I play the xylo-bone.
I'm always happy; nothing gets under my skin.
I made you some turkey for lunch. Bone appetit!
I'm glad I had you; I'm no longer bonely.
I've got a skele-ton of more jokes, but I'm just giving you one more.
Did you hear about the skeleton ninja? He was very skullful (skillful)!
My ex still misses me... But her aim is getting better every time!
It's not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn't have the balls to do it.
What's Whitney Houston's favorite type of coordination?