My dad was a master of his art; being compared to Houdini. Due to his skill in disappearing.
What do Michelangelo and Kurt Cobain have in common?
They both used their brains to paint the ceiling.
What do Drake and math have in common? They’re both hard for kids.
What do you call an autistic kid that’s good at art?
Roblox Talent Shows be like: Host: Next Up is Bob! Bob: Hi! I'll be singing Pian- *Buzzing Noises* Judges: You suck! Bob: I'm reporting! *Bob get's kicked from the server*
Denki: Did you just... fall over? Bakugo: tch no I attacked the floor. sero: backwards? Bakugo: im talented
What do you call a autistic person playing a guitar?
You say to your slow friend: Damn your slower than Stephen Hawkings. And that takes some talent.
Wats diffrence between Elton John and rapboat? Elton is talented, rich and openly gay, rapboat got fuck all talent, no money and not out the closet yet
Why did the rapper always carry a flashlight?
To SHINE A LIGHT on his talent
Why did Stephen hawking go on to Britain’s got talent. To sing
Your dad went on America's Got Talent for "smoothest way to leave their child."
“If you’re good at something, never do it for free. "
Rapboats mom charges $5 a blowie
Why don’t rappers play hide and seek?
Because good rappers always STAND OUT
Are you guys alright ? if you answered yes then you are wrong You are all LEFT kill meh (This joke was taken from dat none funny b*tch on britains got talent)
What do you say when you see an apple dancing in a talent show?
He's got some "sweet" moves!