aight imma make like a tree and leaf
*****u have to leave right after u tell this joke****
yo mama so fat she had to get baptized at seaworld
you soke balls get it
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Anita who?
Anita poo let me in!
Question: What’s bald and is in a straight line?
Answer: The cancer ward. 😵😂😂
What's the Twin Towers' most favorite band? Al Qaedirection.
What does a Chinese machine gun sound like? "ching chong ching chong tang tang."
Life is like a box of chocolates, they f*cking melt :)
Two Australians walk into a bar. They run into the ceiling fan immediately.
One thing about disabled people is they never set foot in prison.
My grandpa was a great pilot, but he died on September 11, 2001.
Someone: Hey, are you a skeleton?
A skeleton: Of course, I have a SKELE-ton of fans!
Plz look up rainbow kiss - Bill Cosby.