why is my sister horny its bc she loves my dick
Yo mama so fat that when she get in the truck it breaks
Your mom is so fat that she cannot look her feet when taking a shower
Your mom is so fat that she only knew 3 letters which is K F C
Your mom is so fat that she thought Eminem is a candy
Yo mama so fat that she need 12 queen sides matresses to go to sleep
A blind woman tells her boyfriend that she’s seeing someone. It’s either terrible news or great news.
A boy was terrible at writing sentences so his teacher gave him an assignment to help with that. The boy was to go home, write five sentences and return to school the next day. When he went home, he took a notepad and a pen and went to his dad for help. His dad was in a very important business call so he angrily shouted at the child “Shut up you Donkey!” The boy noted down that sentence. He next went to his mom who assumed that he wanted to play video games so she said “No my dear, tomorrow.” That was his second sentence. For the third sentence he went to his older brother who was watching football where someone scored a goal so he was jumping up and down yelling “Goal! Goal!” For the fourth sentence he went to his sister who was singing “Spider-Man Spider-Man!”. For the last sentence he went to his grandmother who was cleaning the toilet and singing “Under the toilet, under the toilet”. He went to school the next day and his teacher asked him to tell her the sentences. The boy said, “Shut up you Donkey!” The teacher got angry after hearing this and asked the boy, “Do you want me to slap you?” The boy said, “No my dear, tomorrow.” This made the teacher so angry that she slapped the boy. Immediately he started jumping up and down yelling “Goal! Goal!” The teacher dragged him to the principal’s office as she was fed up with him. The principal asked the boy what his name was to which he replied by singing “ Spider-Man Spider-Man!” She asked him where he lived so he sang “Under the toilet, under the toilet”.
Ur mom so fat that she works as a hydraulic press in a car factory
Ur mom so stupid that she thought that Seventeen has four ghost members
yo mama so fat that when she was in Uranus she picked her butthole
The pinnacle of loyalty is that an ant married an elephant, and after he died, she spent her entire life burying him :)
There is a (joke) that did not enter this page... Why?? She is afraid they will laugh at her!!!
in the hospital i saw a girl with cancer trying to sleep the icu was going beep beep beep i think thats why she cant sleep so I turned it of shes asleep forever now nighty night
I told a girl she was cute and she said "aw tysm" how does she know I have that
yo mamas so fat when she went to the beach in a blue dress everyone screamed tsunami
As a older brother I always gave my little sister advice. I always said to your best and never quit. So one day I went to her room I see my sister giving married me blow jobs. I ask what are you doing the married men said she is giving us blow jobs because our wives don't do it. My sister said you tole me to do your best and my best is to suck them dry. As a brother I couldn't be more prouder.
After having a win at bingo Ethel splashed out on some venison for tea..... During the meal her daughter asked her mum what it was to which she replied with a little smile...'Its what I call your father'... Little Jimmy threw down his knife and fork and jumped up sayin 'Oh My God Dont eat it!!! It's a fucking Dick!
yo mama so ugly that if she went on stage the show would instantly say and thats a wrap
When your girlfriend has been vomiting for 2 weeks and you find out she’s not pregnant Bf-*yes I knew it was a prank* She has cancer