Why is 3 such a helpful number? Because 3 helped out on a science project 4 5!
What do you get when you light Stephen Hawking on fire? A fried PC.
I carried a magnet, then people found me very attracting.
Why couldn’t the guy make bubbles?
He couldn’t find the right solution.
What was the one test that Steven Hawking couldn't pass?
I forgot what lightning was. Then it struck me.
Timmy has 5 apples.
His train is 7 minutes early.
Calculate the mass of the sun.
I make science puns, but only periodically.
What was Stephen Hawking's last message before he died: "Server shutting down."
Little Jimmy has 5 red apples. His dad's car will arrive in 20 minutes. Calculate the mass of the Sun.
When Stephen Hawking found out about physics, he was speechless.
Guys, there is no need to worry about anti-vaxxers. The more there are, the less there are.
Why did Stephen Hawking cross the street?
He didn’t; he never did.
My mom is a chemistry teacher.
Mom: You can’t be attracted to something without it being attracted to you back.
Me: Tell that to my FUCKING CRUSH, BITCH!
What is an astronaut's favorite part of a keyboard?
Apparently Steven Hawkins was a stand up kind of guy
David? Mitosis.
There's a new horror movie about Steven Hawking
It's called unplugged 🤣
What do cells call their friends with? A cell phone.
A guy is sitting at home when he hears a knock at the door. He opens the door and sees a snail on the porch. He picks up the snail and throws it as far as he can. Three years later there’s a knock on the door. He opens it and sees the same snail. The snail says: ‘What the hell was that all about?’
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2015/11/26/the-ten-funniest-jokes-ever-according-to-science-5527698/?ito=cbshare
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