
School Jokes

:popular girl. Sorry iM lAtE. :teacher. Why are u late! :girl. I NeEd My BueAty SleEp :Nerd. Well u might need to hibernate because u ain’t pretty

Teachers: when ever there’s a school shooting hide under the desk Students: hiding under desk Shooter: Well no ones in here

What’s a lung’s favorite type of exercise

Breathing exercises

I told this to my English teacher and he said it to the class and no one laughed someone help)

I had a huge crush on this girl when I was eight, one recess we met together on the playground and she brought me to the corner of the playground, that was my first kiss and from there it got serious. I told my parents a week later and they freaked out, called the police and they aressted my crush. I miss Mrs. Johnson

when you kill people in a war its perfectly fine but when its a school everyone has a problem with it wth.