
Say Jokes

jesus and satan are just basically homer and flanders. one tries to help the other, only for satan to just say "shut up".

I work as an IT technician. The other day I had to fix Cristiano Ronaldo’s laptop. He pointed to a message on the screen saying “do you consent to cookies.” He said that he doesn’t eat cookies and doesn’t know what consent means so that’s why he called me

A pair of cows were talking in the field. One says, "Have you heard about the mad cow disease that's going around?"

"Yeah," the other cow says. "Makes me glad I'm a penguin."

A son tells his father, "I have an imaginary girlfriend." The father sighs and says, "You know, you could do better." "Thanks Dad," the son says. The father shakes his head and goes, "I was talking to your girlfriend."

A teacher says “if you have one dollar and your parents give you 5 dollars how much do you have” Everyone raised their hands except for a little girl in the front but the teacher called on her anyway. The girl said. “ My parents left me so I would have one dollar.”

(Tripple Pun)

What did the momma grape say to the pappa grape?

Raisin are kids is usually pretty fun, but some times they get sunburn and I have to take them to the doctor for dry skin.