The Octopus and the Bagpipes

A man walks into a bar with his pet octopus and proudly claims the animal can play any musical instrument. The bartender pulls out a guitar from behind the bar and gives it to the octopus, which plays an amazing solo. Just then a Scotsman walks into the bar with a set of bagpipes. The octopus grabs the instrument and wrestles around with it on the ground, flailing about, making a horrible sound. The bartender says, "Hey, looks like he can't play that!" and the octopus says, "Play it? As soon as I get it's pajamas off, I'm gonna fuck it!"




The setup makes you think the octopus will play another instrument. The punchline takes a hard turn into the vulgar and shocking, revealing that the octopus wasn't trying to play the bagpipes at all and had different ideas in mind.

Comments (5)

Not very funny

Wait.. so the Octopus can talk as well? Amazing twist! Love it!

That's a good one