
Say Jokes

A America bully goes up to a English kid and says "your ugly" and the English kid says "well wanna know why you can't play Jenga?" "Why" says the bully "beacuse you haven't got a tower.

What's the difference between saying bloody in America and in the U.K?

In the U.K, it's a swear word

In America, it's a family reunion

There was a girl I used to date, only to find out that she used to be a man. You could say, she put me in a trans

What is something you can’t say in a superhero movie? β€œIs it a bird, is it a plane, well whatever it is, it’s heading straight for the world trade center.”

So a man finds a woman on a train track while he's on his way to a bar, and they had a lot of sex, when he gets to the bar he brags about the different sex positions they used and one of the guys says "oh did you do head" and he responded with no I couldn't find the head

John and Chloe are in school arguing about who has the more heroic grandfather. Chloe says "My grandfather killed 50 Nazis, he's so heroic" John says "So what? My grandfather KILLED Hitler"