There are two siblings, a little brother and a big brother. Now, the big brother had a girlfriend, and one night they decided to go and have sex. So, the bigger brother goes to pick up his girlfriend one night and take her home. So they get to the bigger brother's house and walk into his room. Now the two siblings shared the room, and they had bunk beds. When they walked in the room, they saw the little brother asleep in the bottom bunk, so they went up to the top bunk to have sex. The big brother says, "Whenever you feel good, say 'lettuce,' and whenever you want to switch positions say 'tomato'." The girl constantly is saying "lettuce, tomato," and then the little brother wakes up. He quietly remarks, "Can you guys stop making sandwiches? You're getting mayonnaise all over me."
Bunk Bed Sandwich
The humor comes from the younger brother misunderstanding the 'lettuce' and 'tomato' code words for sexual acts as making a sandwich, and the 'mayonnaise' as the result of that messy sandwich making. It's funny because of the implied action and the contrast between the brothers' awareness and the kid's innocence.
that was a big oof
Cheesy chicken
None of your buissnes
Copy cat!!!!!!!
None of your buissnes
Mine is on sex jokes
that poor child...if only he new
Damnnnnn kid r u sure it isn't just milk?