Roses are red, Larry is bad. I'VE GOT A GUN, get in the van.
Roses are red, don’t touch the toys, these are what the priests use to lure in the boys.
Roses are red Walls are made of plaster Schoolchildren can move fast But bullets can move faster
Roses are red My soul is black I am never getting My dad back
roses are red violets are blue she is hot but you're as ugly as poo
My version of the Roses are Red Poem in MW3:
I thought Soap could trust you And so did I too So WHY IN BLOODY HELL DOES MAKAROV KNOW YOU?!
Roses are red, I like girls from the south, a 425-pound teacher gets suspended after sitting on a kids head and farting in his mouth.
Roses are red, violets are not, everyone at Grant high school is probably a thot.
Roses are red, violets are black, I traded my son for 10 big macs
Roses are red Violets are blue How many bananas can I fit, Maybe two?
Roses are red Roses are red Roses are red I smell burnt toast
roses are red violents are blue everything is black i can't see can you.
Roses are red, chocolate is brown, I expect nothing and still get let down!
Roses are red, violets are blue, You think violets are blue, what the hell is wrong with you.
Roses are red Grass is green I think of you sucking my peen
Roses are red shit is brown get that dick out my ass so we can go to town
Roses are red,My friend is choking.That supid bitch shouldnt have eaten my muffin.
Roses are red your penis is blue the bed sheet has turned a different color too.
Roses are red, the sky is blue, what do you do, oh never mind I'm not homo like you