
Religion Jokes

Why does Jesus never vacation on earth?, because he traveled down about 2,000 years ago, got with some Jewish chick and their still talking about it


God=what I hope to be Devil=what I can't accept

I hope to be like Jesus, a dead martyr. I can't accept that my religion is evil.

I recently learned that churches won’t let trans men become priests because they don’t consider transMEN as men which is rather confusing to me. As a Jew I don’t know very much about Christianity but from what I’ve heard- don’t priests love little boys?

Me: you know what's the favourite slogan that Hindus likes the most? My friend: what? Me: kati supari kata paan katiyo ko bhejo pakistan.

A monk asks the priest if it's okay to kiss a nun. The priest replies "just as don't get in the habit"


When a Muslim dies he gets 72 virgins. It's the same thing with priests except the virgins are children.