
Read Jokes

People shouldn't worry about how orphans would feel reading these jokes it's not like they have parents to buy them a phone or computer to see them or even a place to charge them even if they did have 1

unpopular opinion about programming but, Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'myUnpopularOpinion' of undefined.

Hey Yall, You want to read something funny. Then look up greater tuna OID and read the script. It's the best. I'm performing it for an OID(Oral Interpretation of Drama) and it kicks ass. Check it out. Also, the name I'm using is my Roblox Username. Friend me.

Teacher: *Reads mythological story about a cyclops

Me: Does he have one eye cause he's from an incestual family in Alabama?

it's fucked up how people make these jokes and when orphans read them it makes them feel worse about them selfs I should know I'm an orphan

Me: *reading a sign* "Children are a gift from god" Me: "No, they are a gift from the underworld"

Mother: "Yeah I picked you up at the giftshop on my way out" Mother: "You are a spawn of Satan"

Once at school, a teacher thought I was Russian why do think that I said the teacher replied because you're reading from Right to Left

I'm dyslexic my sister was reading, whats the book I asked, she showed me the cover you reading The Scared Bull, she started laughing no The Sacred Bull

Lesson in laziness number 136894236842, don't be too lazy to read large numbers.

What type of people have the world record for most stories read in the shortest amount of time?

Emos, some of them are still in the air.

Why are 9/11 victims so good at reading.Because they can go through 100 stories in 5 minutes.