I wish I could be as visible as my depression is.
When you realize you have depression, and depression realizes how stupid you were.
Did you know Hellen Keller has a pool?
Neither did she.
Guy: "My life is like a game, I should end it."
Guy 2: "Is it a hard life?"
Guy: "Yup"
Guy 2: "Then you can't kill yourself LOL"
Guy 3: "Hold on, I know a cheat code to finish the 'game'"
Once again, RIP Daniel Kyre, he actually died this day five years ago.
He attempted suicide Sep 16, and was in life support, till his parents made the tough decision of taking him off.
We will miss ya bud..... (cyndagoooooooo)
The definition of a stalker is two people going on a romantic walk, but only one person knows about it.
If there was someone selling drugs around here, we'd know.
Rape can happen to anybody, so I think I will continue taking the short cut home through the dark alleyways, wearing barely anything and walk really close to bushes.
How do you avoid getting raped? Never say no.
Helen Keller deaf-initely faked it!
A woman's husband has a yearly conference. The first night he's away from home, their teenage son Tommy comes into their room at night and starts to make love to her, but she knows that it can be dangerous to wake a sleepwalker, so she doesn't say anything. He does this every night for two weeks and stops when his father comes home.
She realizes she's pregnant and has a baby boy.
The next year the same thing happens, she gets pregnant again, and has a baby girl.
The third year, she's feeling very guilty, and after thirteen nights of incredible passionate lovemaking she sits Tommy down and tells him, "Every time your father leaves town on business, you sleepwalk into my bedroom and make love to me. Bobby and Anna aren't just your brother and sister, you're their father!"
Tommy said "You think I was sleepwalking?"
A depressed kid was stuck on a tree, and a man saw the kid.
Man: "Hang in there! I'm gonna get some help!"
Two minutes later, the kid literally did what the guy said.
RIP Daniel Kyre from Cyndago (July 6, 1994-September 18, 2015)
Daniel committed suicide five years ago today......
Everyone laughs when a bully teases someone, but no one laughs when that person commits suicide.
Alzheimer's protesters march chanting. "What do we want? Better treatment... When do we want it? ...Want what?"
"Just say NO to drugs!" Well, if I'm talking to drugs, I probably already said yes.
Did you know Helen Keller had a sister?
Neither did she.
What do Logan Paul, KSI, and the Japanese suicide victim have in common?
Ever heard of a rape victim with Alzheimer's?
Yeah, neither have they.
1. You can't wash your eyes with soap.
2. You can't count your hair.
3. You can't breathe through your nose with your tongue out.
4. You just tried number three.
5. When you tried number 3, you realized it was possible, only you look like a dog.
6. You're smiling right now because you realized you were fooled.
7. You skipped number 5.
8. You just checked if there was a number 5.
9. This is not my joke; all credit goes to Steps.
They can't say no if they're unconscious.
What did the blonde say when I told a rape joke?
"Can you show me what rape is?"