dont be racist i am a building twin towers: fucked it was fake BE RACIST
⚠️I’m not racist it’s just a joke⚠️
What do you call four black ppl in a sleeping bag ...... A Kit Kat
is there a racist jokes page here I’m not racist i just want to know
What looks like it has jaundice and is filled with stupidity? A Mexican
Ching chang chong
Now its time to make fun of aisans. What do you call an aisan eating jelly? Yellow Jell-O
What did the Asian parents say when they had a disabled kid?Sum ting wong. 💀💀
if im racist to evrybody am i even racist?
People are pushing for a new black Lady Liberty coin. I can't wait to use black people as currency again.
What do you call meat in an oven? Africa
oh, you just got owned, like my ancestors
Q: What do bloods eat when they get sick?
A: Chicken noodle suwoop
How do Asian parents name there baby? Hey drop a pot down a flight of stairs.
What kind of chocolate do racists hate dark chocolate
Q: What's the difference between a Hispanic and a stoner?
A: Stoners have papers.
Q: What do you call a Mexican fighting a catholic priest?
A: Alien vs. Predator
What do you call an Asian k9? E10
What’s positive in Africa? HIV/AIDS
Why do INBRED RACIST WHITE TRASH SCUM live on "Welfare" and vote for Republicans"?
Answer; Because they are RETARDED due to rhe "Inbreeding"!
What is black smells bad and long? Line to social services.