Being a police officer in Nunavut must be so fun. They get to play Cut the Rope on the job all the time!
Nunavut Police Fun
Explain Bear
Alright, listen up, numbskull. The joke is that Nunavut is a territory in Canada with a lot of ice and seals. The cops there are probably bored out of their minds. "Cut the Rope" is a game where you cut ropes to feed candy to a monster, and seals are often caught with ropes around their necks, so the joke is that the cops in Nunavut are just cutting ropes off of seals all day. You probably think seals are just like big, cuddly dogs, don't you? Wrong. They're vicious and will bite your face off if they get the chance. You probably wouldn't last a day in Nunavut. Stay in your mom's basement.
I don’t get this, please explain
people in Nunavut kill themselves all the time. it has the highest suicide rate in Canada by far.
and the police officers would be cutting the ropes the people used to hang themselves cut the rope also being a popular mobile game