
Point Jokes

I'd like to see things from your point of view but I can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

The school shooter points the gun at the emo kid while the shooter tries to shoot him the emo kid dodges the bullets like the matrix and takes the gun away from the shooter and shoots him self.

A sister went to her brothers room and says Sr:am scared can I sleep with you Br:yes siso Sr:what is this (pointing at his dick) Br:my pet 🐍 Sr:can I pet it Br:yes He wake up in a 🏥 Br:what happened Sr:your 🐍spit on me so I bit his head of Br:you dummy Sr:whaaat

Well on the positive side: the Mexicans will probably want to pay for, and build, that wall at this point! Maybe the Canadians as well; two free walls!

Daveon is so straight, he thinks a straight line is the shortest distance between two points and nothing else.

My science teacher was talking about natural selection. At one point she asked me to name the first person to theorize about it. I said, Eric Harris It was on his shirt.

If you don't get the joke look up Eric Harris natural selection.

Little of topic but Mum. You.wouldnt be here without me Son and my birth certificate is a sorry letter from the condom factory Mum fair point

True story: my math teacher mr.ueberoth accidently marked a kahoot as 100 points in googleclass room instead of 10 if he doesnt find out the grades will be more hyper inflated than zimbobwa’s economy.

What's the difference between a GOD and MY MOM. My mom exists. I mean.. she did at one point! unlike any "GODS".

What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.. What do you call a dog with no legs? No point in calling, he won't come anyway :(

Tj if u don't stop trying to ruin Gwen and Prince relationship then I will screem!!!!!!!!!! It some dumb faker and what point of she just wants to be ur friend do not understand!

i was listening to wap in my car with my four year old cousin and she asked why they dont fix the holes in the house then my fucking boyfriend what a hoe was and pointed to me i pushed him out of the car and my other boyfriend took the front seat