
Personal Jokes

A man was walking home but felt tired so took a short cut through the cemetery. He then heard a tap tap then out of the corner of his eye he saw a man with a hammer hitting the tombstone the man said "you scared me I thought you were a ghost" the other person mumbled "they spelt my name wrong"

Same old boring ass day, until a person Parkinson's fainted and got everyone's attention. He really shook things up today.

(whats the quickest way to get to the hospital? - just stand in the middle of a busy road) (whats red and bad for your teeth? - a brick) (what do my dad and nemo have in common? - the both can't be found) (what do you do after raping a deaf person? - cut their fingers off so they don't tell anyone) ( MORE JOKES COMING SOON LMAO ;] )

what's the worst thing to happen to a japanese person in ww2...being drafted as a kamikaze pilot or existing with a fat man or little boy

SO WHO DID IT the i.s.s teacher said. 1 hour before So let me ge............ Random person wait what you BROKE UP WITH HER. Me I SWEAR JHONNY THIS IS THE 3RD TIME YOU BUD INTO MY CONVERSATION SO..... HERE........ YOU........... GO *punches*

Person 1: Goodness, when is Michael Jackson going to stop eating these white chocolate truffles? He is already making a goddamn mess on his bed eating a few of them.

Person 2: Well, he cannot resist the little white balls.