
Personal Jokes

hey you person who's scrolling, pls leave your HONEST opinion on life. Do you think "life sucks" or "eh its okay." etc it can be short if you dont want to then that's okay.

Q: the person who makes it doesnt say what it is the person who receives it doesn't know what it is the person who knows what it is doesn't want it what am i? A: a baby

what do a school shooter and a person with gum have in common. ones the pull it out everyone wants to be there friend.

When you at a funeral and you laugh at the body...everyone stares and one person said isn ́t that your mom......?

What does a orphan have that a homeless doesn’t?

A home but what does a homeless person have that orphans don’t?

A parent

Person: So you know that persons name you say when you make a hoop, well he's dea Friend: Yeah John Wilkes Booth Person: How dare you say that he killed Abraham Lincoln. Friend: Terrible guy but he never missed a shot

"Don't forget you are what you eat," said one person. "Then I should eat a skinny person." said the other.

guy: Say "I'm a man" every time I stop. person: guy: you walk into a bar. person: I'm a man guy:you meet a girl person: I'm a man guy:you and the girl go to a hotel\ person: I'm a man guy:you guys go on a bed person: I'm a man. guy:she whispers into your ear person:I'm a man

Somebody told another person that they would meet at the crack of Dawn. Lets just say Dawn got very mad.

Why did the little boy cry?

He had a frog nailed to his face and stapled to each of his fins. The frogs were his personal molesters.