I guess age is just a number but in your boyfriends case a personal preference.
Me and a person downtown.
Person: Hey, crazy Saturday night.
Me: I guess so.
Person: Why do people do crazy stuff like this?
Me: I don't know. I used too, but don't anymore.
Person: why'd you stop?
Me: unfortunately, I lived every time I'd try something.
I always sucked at mazes. I found myself lost over and over again but if life is a labyrinth, I'd always find the escape. The final dead end, my personal favourite...
When you decide to turn your high school into your personal shooting range but you don’t give any proper notice except for a bullet to the head...
Did you hear about the person who got hit in the head with a soda can? Good thing it was a "Soft" drink
I called the suicide hotline at Iraq, the person got exited and asked if I can drive a truck.
knock, knock who's there? An armless person why? they got stumped on why they contacted you
What is the chair's favorise person? A sit-izens.
What’s the difference between cereal and a baby?
I personally think cereal is not nutritious
What do u say when a person trips?
You say why u trippen. :)
Me: *looks at persons hand* This guy doesn't have fingers!
Random person with no fingers: Why do you have to point that out?
When a fat person steps on a scale it says: “to be continued”
What is the difference between harry houdini and everyone else in my life, harry was the only person not to disappear
what do u call a tall affluent person-a big success
is it just me or your the prettiest person I seen today
a lumberjack goes to a person ́s house then he realized the tree was too big and was stumped and had to leaf