Why were the Twin Towers mad? Because when they spawned in a Minecraft world, all they got was plains.
Do you guys know how to make a hoe in Minecraft?
You pick it up off the street.
You know why emos get excited playing Minecraft? They see a creeper.
What is speedrunner's favorite type of food? FAST FOOD!
How I Punch my Brother: Wooden Sword.
How he is telling Dad: Diamond Sword.
How hard my Dad is gonna punch me: Warden Punch.
Why don't communists like Microsoft? Because it's Minecraft instead of ourcraft.
Why do orphans not build houses in Minecraft? Because they want it to be realistic.
Technoblade be doing skyblock in heaven now.
What happened after Technoblade died?
Everyone got raw pork chop.
What do you call a bacon from Chernobyl?
Why do orphans play minecraft because they have a home
The warden is stronger than the ender dragon, but WHY IS IT NOT A BOSS?
(Doesn't have boss bar.)
Technoblade can defeat every Minecraft player, but he still can’t defeat cancer!
Why doesn't Newton cut trees in vanilla Minecraft? Because he wants Minecraft to be realistic!
Dream: Speedruns Minecraft.
Technoblade: Speedruns Life.
What do you call a black person swimming?
Cursed Minecraft image.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
Technoblade would love it here.
if you play minecraft: your dog is still waiting for you in the world you made along time ago.
My anus smells.