say eye, smell map, say ness. (I am a penis!) HA HA!
A few men have curved penises, but they can fix that problem by straightening it out.
"Cummy Beynis. Hahaha?"
The other day I went on a romantic cruise in Hawaii then I met my girl zendaya on board she was shaking her ass and playing with her penis then she ask me hey you wanna make love in the cabin? i said sure sweet thang gave me her number kiss me on the cheek. Next day she woke up because it was a romantic nightmare.
I love going to church to get closer to God, but my least favorite part of church has to be touching the priest’s penis.
What did the man say to the girl?
You just milked a cow.
Danny Devito looks like one of those men with a short, yet thick penis.
How did the man with a small penis become a rapist? His condom fell off.
My cock, lmao.
Big penis
As a son, I was starting to do pranks. I told my mom’s boyfriend that she cheated on him and she doesn’t want to be with him anymore, and I told him that my mom said that he had a small penis. He left my mom, and she was mad at me. I thought it was funny.
Then I told my friend’s girlfriend that he cheated on her with another girl, and the girl told me that my friend had a small penis. He found out and wanted to confront me in my house. I wasn’t home. My friend told my mom what happened. Then my mom said the same thing happened to me. I came home one day, I saw my mom giving my friend a blow job. I asked what’s going on. My friend told me, "Your mom is my new girlfriend," and my mom said, "This is the penis of my dreams."
Why do dwarfs love penis? It tickles their insides.
Once, I tried to say, "P.P. That's funny right there." Instead, I said, you guessed it, "Penis!"
Penis, peepee, poopoo!
Why is the penis so light?
Because even thots can lift them.
What goes in dry and comes out wet?
A dick.
I have more cum in one testicle than you have in your whole penis.
Penis gay be like: among sussy, ding ding ding ding ding ding di di ding.
Imposter is SuS!?