What is a pedophiles favorite piano note?
A Minor
What is a pedophile’s favorite part about Halloween? Free delivery.
I just saw people writing Zoophile, Ailurophile, Dendrophilia in their bio, I thought this is cool but when I wrote Necrophile and Pedophile, Idk why people started hating me as I did something wrong, I was just trying to be cool as them man
Why do orphan girls love pedophiles? Because they get to call someone “Daddy”
How do people grade pedophiles? 1st grade to 8th (I know it's orphan jokes but still)
why do pedophiles come in last place for every race... because they are always un the back ( if you know what i mean) :}
What's the difference between Michael Jackson and a dead pedophile? Nothing.
Q: What is the difference between Austin Matthews and a priest
A: One looks like a pedophile and one is a pedophile
EatDatPussy445, aka Deyione Scott-Wilson Eason, aka Bryant Turman Emerson Moreland, is a pedophile, and he is in Las Vegas right now. Go, go, go, catch him!
How do pedophiles get kids to suck there d**k? They spray paint it like candy 🍬
What’s the worst thing about being a pedophile?
Fitting it in.
What’s a Pedophiles Favorite type of garden
A KinderGarden
what do pedophiles and Xboxs have in common?
They both get turned on by kids
Q: How are Clocks like Pedophiles? A: They both stop an 12
What has ten children crying, naked and screaming for their parents
My big green pedo machine