Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

I have a thousand-piece puzzle of the Japanese map, it took me ages to finish it. But after the earthquake, I just threw all the pieces on the ground and it's done.

Jim: My grandpa fought in the army during world war two. He was an officer. Me: Cool, what rank of officer? Jim: SS. Me: ...

What's black and sits on the bottom of the stairs to the cellar?

Steven hawking where the experiments went wrong.


How do you get 100 babies in the back of a pick up truck? Blender How do you get them back out? Straw


Sketchy dude: you push this button you get 100 million dollars but 100 million people would die Me: if i push it more than once do i get more money Sketchy dude: yes but more people die Me: *rapidly pushes button* this is how you solve world hunger. Sketchy dude: ... wtf, your insane. Me: ...