What do you call an emo strip club?
Suicidal Thots.
Why did Hitler never go to a strip club?
He hated the Poles.
Why did the farmer go to the strip club?
Because he was looking for his hoe.
Two Asians walked into a strip club and they went to a cashier. They put in their names: her name was He Gay and his name was Shi A Ho.
Have you been to that paraplegic strip club? It's crawling with pussy!
What does Yoda say when he’s at the strip club?
"Dirty bitch, you are."
A dad and son walks into a strip club the people in the strip club said he was to young to be in hear so they had to leave 10 years later they went back there. They saw a small dancer the father walked over there and said the woman looked to small to be in hear her reply was...?
Little Johnny fucked a girl, ran away, fucked another, ran, went to the strip club, got a private dance, he has sex with them, fucking ran, yelled to some random bitch ass guy, "Fuck him, he's a bitch." He bends down, they have sex on the street, they go home, have sex, little Johnny wakes up, questions himself, fucking does it again. He goes to the strip club, fucks some more people, when he is drunk, questions himself some more, then tries phone sex, but his dick is too small.