Morbid jokes

Morbid Jokes

3 people online

When I woman removes polish with chemicals, no one bats and eye, but when hitler removes the Polish with chemicals, suddenly people loose their shit?


I learned my dad got into a car crash this morning. And my driver’s license got revoked too.

In the hospital they need to keep the disabled patients rooms cooler than the other patients rooms. Why? They need to keep the vegetables cool and crisp.

This native American won't stop talking shit about me, so I said "please stop acting like you first discovered this land belonged to your ancestors".

I got so drunk with the guys yesterday that when the Uber driver asked how many drinks I had I said “yes”

I went to a sleepover at my best friend's house. He lives with his grandpa and little brother, his mom and dad. His little brother likes to run around the house naked sometimes. I cant help but notice his grandpa always looks up when he does.

Nurse: Don't worry i'm great with babies. Parents: You are? Nurse: Yea, i always abort them. Parent:... Parent: Your hired