
Michael Jokes

Random person: Imma smack you so hard your skin pigment changes!

Me: Who the hell do you think you are? Michael Jackson’s dad?

When your legs forget how to work after leg day *I can't climb the stairs* Michael Myers right behind me* Runs like I'm a track star*

I murdered my friend's brother because he kept saying "HEE HEE" like Michael Jackson when i was trying to have a serious conversation. I just found out he was disabled, Thats a THRILLER.

I was watching a documentary about how storks carry babies from their previous life to the next.

In his old life Michael Jackson must’ve been a teddy bear. The storks let him play with kids for a change.

want to know something jason and michael myers had to watch there family while they have to live forever thats why they kill there trying to make people expreience what they did.

Me: Hey god are you there" it's me Michael "god":*SILENCE* Me: If any gods exist they better say or do something this instant. "god": *SILENCE*