What is Michal Jordan's favorite coffee place? Dunkin dounuts.
Chat date for Tenya and Jordan.
He's got a massive f*cking cock, Ayew, Ayew. He tucks it in his football sock, Ayew, Ayew. Shagged a bird and now she's dead, Swung his cock around her head, Jordan Ayew Palace number nine.
Jordan, you stupid ass! Addison never bothered you so leave her the FUCK alone! How about this? Get up, go outside, stop being a jackass, and get a fucking life!
Jordan motherfucker ur face looks like slut and ur life is trash stop picking on kids and LEAVE THEM HELL ALONE!
What do the names Alan and Jordan have in common?
Comments of Gwen in her bra!
Jordan Jadoke: Wow such a good looking kid!
Heo: Dude stop! Who the hell got this!
prince/mr tallie: Hey stop!
YOU: Sexy sexy sexxy! How much does she cost!
Fuck u Kenya: SHUT UP!
Big Ideas: Do u think I hav a chance with her? Cause if then SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kariah: STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hot: π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯
Fring: I want to take u home all to my self!
Mom:You can't die in the living room david so you can stop stabbing and shooting yourself David:I will surpase kakarot Jordan:*dead on the living room floor
Even Michael Jordan can't dunk from your hairline! π€£π€£
why did jordan cross the road so he could get to his house
"Pretend me please stop! I don't recall posting anything except commenting and posting something for Jordan C! Please stop!"
Dude, your last name sounds like a seafood shop, Jordan C.!
Hey, what's your age, Jordan? Probably 5 years old.
"Hey, look at me, I'm stupid named Jordan C who won't shut up and leave Addison alone."
I hope I'm not a big pain, but Jordan C, please stop bothering me about my age! I know I am 8 years old, but enough.
Then you make jokes about how smart I am and intimidate me because of my name. I don't remember intimidating you for anything. So please, with all due respect, stop.
PS It's not for drama, it's because you're bullying me for nothing. I come here just to joke or be nice to people, not for the drama. So please again. Stop. That is all I ask.
Thank you.
Clarie: I don't even care if it was a joke he made on me, you and Karlen, and if you think I'm getting over it, then you must have an oatmeal for a brain.
Jordan: Clarie ... you are so sensitive when she tells a little joke about you, me, and Karlen.
Clarie: It was painful!
Jordan: Who cares? I laughed. Ben is not a bad person, okay, calm down.
Clarie: Ben is a bad person. We are making friends with a bully/thug, but you say that he is not a "bad person", my mom is going to kill me if she finds out that I am hanging out with those kinds of people!
Jordan: Then don't tell her! Listen, I need you, give Ben a chance! Please?
Clarie: Shush, Karlen is coming!
Karlen: Hey guys, that Ben guy for sure has a way of saying words, I wish I could hurt him!!
Dustin Jordan Manna should have been an abortion
People who are annoying. There are two of them.
1. Capet.
2. Akeld.
The winner is "Akeld," although Jordan CalerendiΓ‘ comes in with a tie. Yah! Not really!
President Joe Biden was jogging through some different jogging paths around this great county we live in and was jogging through Alabama and fell off into a swamp filled with killer alligators, and these 3 boys named Willie, Roman, and Little Johnny saw him fall in and jumped in and drug him to safety, and the president was like "Thank you, thank you, thank you SOOO much. I'm gonna give you boys a reward for saving my life," and asks them what their names were and what they wanted. The first boy said, "My name's Willy, and I want to go to Disneyland," and the president said, "No problem, and I'll take you personally." The 2nd boy said, "My name's Roman, and I want an autographed pair of Air Jordan Nikes," and the president said, "No troubles at all," and the 3rd boy says, "My name's Little Johnny, and I want a power wheelchair with an awesome stereo and killer wheels," and the president says, "You don't look handicapped, Little Johnny," and Little Johnny said, "I'm not, but as soon as I tell my parents who I saved, I will be"π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£
Carly (π): What a beautiful day, huh?
Bianca (π): Yes, for you it is.
Carly (π): What's wrong?
Bianca (π): Nothing, nothing at all...
Carly (π ): Don't lie to me...
Carly (π€): Hmmm... Jordan???
Carly (π): Because if so, I can take him out like this...
Bianca (πππ): Thank you... no... and I don't give a damn anymore!
Carly (π ): Bianca, trust me, you don't love him anyway!
Bianca (π): Please, Carlyana, please keep your fucking face out of this.
Carly (π): No need to curse, I can do that to Jordan if you want...
Bianca (π): Well... shut your mouth and leave me alone!