What do you call a priest who became a singer Michael Jackson
What was Michael Jackson's favorite flavor from Ben and Jerry's? Schweaty balls, or if your Michael Joseph Jackson, tiny balls.
What is Michael Jackson favorite phrase to parents of boys? Leave me alone
What does Michael Jackson and Chef from South Park have in common They both say "Hello children"
What Costco food is associated with Michael Joseph Jackson? The Jackson dog. It's 49 year old saussge between 6 year old buns.
They should bring Michael Jackson back from the dead so he can star in the Peter Pan horror movie.
What does Michael Joseph Jackson say, when little boys walk away? Give into me-hee-he.
What is worst than Ants in your pants michiel jackson
What is the day parents stopped fearing for their little boys? June 25, dead pedo day.
Why does Michael Joseph Jackson love Boise?
Because of all the boys he'll see.
Johnny Depp to a 15-year-old girl: "Wow, look at that sexy body! Savvy!"
Michael Jackson, when talking about a 6-year-old boy: "The boy is mine! That doggone boy is mine! Don't waste your time...."
Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, and Jeffrey Epstein entering and exclaiming, "Wow, this place is more fun than the Playboy Mansion!"
He sang a love song to a rat, yet stans are befuddled on why people keep calling their idol "Wacko Jacko".
What is Wacko Jacko's favorite David Bowie song?
"Boys Keep Swinging."
What is Michael Joseph Jackson's favorite town? Boise.
Michael Jackson is pure cheese.
I mean, Jacko comes on a little cracker.
What does Michael Jackson like to drink? Tea-he-he.
what did the parent say to Michel Jackson get of my kid
what does michael say when he laughs? hehe
What do White Castle sliders and Michael Jackson have in common? They have their meat in tiny wet buns.
During a phone call:
"Hey, is Michael Jackson in Miami with his manager?"
"Actually, he's off to Tampa with the kids."