What's in a Michael Jackson hotdog?
A 50-year-old piece of meat.
A 12-year-old bun.
What's in a Michael Jackson hotdog?
A 50-year-old piece of meat.
A 12-year-old bun.
What is Michael Jackson's favorite snack? 5 year old whiners
What is Michael Jackson's favorite place to visit? Hee-Heegypt
There's a new Michael Jackson biopic in the works. There is a possibility that we will know who his love interest was.
What we know so far: Billie Jean is not his lover, and that kid [seen with him] is not his son. We also know that Michael Jackson said that sharing his bed with little boys is "healing" and an act of "sharing the love", so take that as you will.
What was Michael Jackson's answer to the parents of the little boys who were left with him when asked why does he do it that way? Tell them that it's human nature.
What was one phrase Michael Jackson said to a boy in his bed? Baby, be mine.
What’s micheal Jackson’s favorite pizza topping pepperon-he-he
Miksi michael lähti limusiinistä ulos
Hän näki alastoman pojan
What place has more boys than the Catholic Church? Michael Jackson's bedroom.
Why did Michael Jackson like having little boys round him? He was studying for the priesthood.
Miksi michael jackson sopisi joulupukiksi?
Hän tyhjentää säkkinsä lapsiin.
What does michael Jackson and an ant have in common? They are both innocent
why did Michael Jackson divorce LMP? she didn't want to give him kids