I got detention yesterday because I told the emo kid to "Hang in there."
What do you call an emo strip club?
Suicidal Thots.
How do emo kids complement each other?
They say, "I like ya cuts g."
How do emos compliment each other?
They say, "I like your cuts g."
Q: What does LMAO mean?
A: Launching Missiles At Orphanages.
A girl noticed hair growing between her legs and asked her mom about it. Her mom said it was her monkey and it grows hair. So, she told her sister, and her sister said that ain't nothing, mine's already eating bananas.
Screw sister from a mister or brother from another mother. We besties from another testie.
What did one nut say to the other? Ignore the guy in the middle. He's a d!ck.
What do you call a piece of tech that acts emo?
Cutting-edge Technology.
What does a cannibal call a wheelchair user? -- Meals on wheels.
What do you call someone with Down Syndrome who smokes weed?
A baked potato.
What do you call the penises of gay men that are in wheelchairs?
Meals on wheels 😋😍🌭🌭🌭🌭🌭
What is the hardest part of a vegetable to eat?
The wheelchair.
Q: What's the best part about gardening?
A: Getting down and dirty with your hoes.
What is killing your friend called?
A homie-side.
Call me Willma, will my balls fit ya mouth?
So, two condoms walk by a gay bar. What does one condom say to the other? "Hey, wanna get 'shit-faced?'"
What do you call a special police officer?
Officer down!
MVP means: “Most Valuable Player.”
In Chuck Norris' case: “Most Vaginas Penetrated”.
What kind of chocolate does a lesbian hate?
Ones that contain nuts.