
Kitchen Jokes

What is the one thing wrong with Asian pet stores?...

There is always a kitchen in the back.


"Gosh, it's raining cats and dogs," said Suzie looking out of the kitchen window "I know," said her mother "I've just stepped in a poodle!"

Yesterday my daughter was playing in the garden when I saw her kill a butterfly. I told her that, as a punishment, she won't eat butter for 1 month.

Today I saw her killing a cockroach in the kitchen. I told her "nice try".


Two muffins are in an oven. One muffin says to the other, "Man, it's hot in here". The other muffin says, "OH MY GOSH A TALKING MUFFIN!!!!"


I had to clean out my spice rack and found everything was too old and had to be thrown out. What a waste of thyme.


What's the difference between a gay and a freezer? -- The freezer doesn't fart when you pull the meat out.