I have a better version of this joke.
How to make a plumber cry. Simple, kill his family. That’ll definitely turn on the waterworks.
I have a better version of this joke.
How to make a plumber cry. Simple, kill his family. That’ll definitely turn on the waterworks.
Why did McDonald’s kill somebody because they stole the 12 piece nuggets that will never be seen because of them!
A person told an orphan to not move otherwise they would kill their parents. What did the orphan do? It danced it's a$$ off
"I have cancer," the doctor said. "I have 3 days to live," but I was like "fuck it" and killed him. The jury said, "I have life in prison." I shouted, "Yes!" He said, "Thank you, you saved my life!"
What do you call a dead baby?
Spawn killed.
What did the guy tired of hearing people joke about rape do ?????????? He killed everyone on this f#cking website
I will unplug your life support to kill my mum and then give her blood so see can bleed more
You have five seconds to kill me 1.. 2... 3... 4- thank you i can rest now- WAIT HOW AM I TALKING??????????????????????
"Just killed a woman, feeling good."
- Tommyinnit
Man 1: Why don’t we just put all the debt in the world on one man, then kill him?
Man 2: We tried that once. It started a cult.