Why does this website have a home page? It's an orphan joke waiting to happen.
POV: 11:07 PM At night, reading these when you notice that, like everyone else, you have no life.
Who remembers when Gwen was the only thing people talked about on this website?
Guys, comment below if I should do a name reveal!
Bunger got me like:
😂 Face with Tears of Joy Emoji - Emojipedia https://emojipedia.org › face-with-tears-of-joy A yellow face with a big grin, uplifted eyebrows, and smiling eyes, each shedding a tear from laughing so hard. Widely used to show something is funny or...
I troll under different usernames. I'm a bit all over the place mentally.
What’s the difference between the way you watch porn and I watch porn?
The windows we look through.
Haters are hating. I'm still alluring, but I couldn't give a fuck cus this site is dying and boring.
If you read this, you lost your v card.
Follow for candy, kids.
Like for pizza, kids.
Comment for kids.
+1 like = 1 kid in my basement.
+1 follower = 1 kid in my Microwave.
+1 Comet.
You are so adopted that you don't have a home button on Google Maps.
To all my haters, keep sucking. I'm about to cum.
I found this game, it's like flappy bird: https://terrorist.group/
User name is Nico Belick.
What’s the difference between how you watch porn and I watch porn The windows we Watch through
To stop my password from getting hacked, I changed it to something difficult to crack: "StrongBrazilianNut111".
A guy who just got robbed says, "I've been hacked, and the hacker ransomware!"
Why do orphans suck at web design? They don’t know what a home page is.
When I see the little brother in a video get everything, I try it and get grounded ;-;