
Guess Jokes

drinking coffee when you're anxious is about as effective as using gasoline to put out a fire but slurp slurp guess who's an anxious bitch who never learns

Tony's wife had a divorce with Tony, she says she wants to be an independent woman

Day's later Tony's wife had an accident, guess who's crawling back for help đź’€

When they say you live by the sword you die by the sword, not in Paul Walkers case he lived by the car died by a tree well I guess the car was stumped

When I die I what to have a piece of paper near me giving a clue on how I died, like, "I want everyone to miss me except for this bullet," or," You didn't hang with me but guess what did?"

Today i find out that my cat got hit by a car accident, wellp i guess im gonna play ninja fruits on my hands again, Its not like anyone will notice.

(Joke from tik tok) My girlfriend broke up with me so I decided to take her wheelchair guess who came crawling back

When David lost his ID, I called him Dave. Where did Dave go during the bombing? Everywhere. Guess who came crawling back?

Mom: “Guess where I’m taking you son!”

Son: “To the playground?”

Mom: “No to the morgue”