Ppnutty68 is JFK's vice senior Ohio president.
What are four ways a condom is like a Republican elephant?
1. It stands for inflation.
2. It limits production.
3. It encourages cooperation.
4. It gives you a feeling of security even though you know you're being screwed.
Biden 2020.
Communist jokes suck... unless everyone gets them.
Hello my fellow Canadians, I mean Americans. I, your cool and hip president, has decided to give everyone free ice cream! Even the Russians. Go out to your local ice cream shop and make sure to leave your kids at home!
Say what you will about Donald Trump, at least he's not Biden.
"Bippity Boppity Boo, Donald Trump is gonna deport you!"
Did you hear about the cannibal who passed a politician in the jungle yesterday?
I hear it hurt like hell.
Okay, the joke's over. Bring back Trump!
Why does Donald Trump smell like dog shit? Cuz he's a dawg!
If Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden are in a boat and it capsizes, who survives? America.
It's illegal to go onto someone's property, demand money that they might not have while wearing all black, and threaten horrible things if they don't pay.
But when the IRS does it, it's perfectly fine. HMMMMM . . .
Stop blaming Bush. He is white, it couldn’t have been him.
Yo mama so scary, the government moved Halloween to her birthday!
Your mum is so stupid, she tried to take the crown off a "Keep Calm and Carry On" poster so that she could become the new queen of England.
What's up guys! Quandale Dingle here (RUUEHEHEHEHEHEEHE). I have been arrested for multiple crimes (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) including: Battery on a police officer (WHAT), Grand theft, Declaring war on Italy, and public indecency (RUHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE x2 speed).
I will be escaping prison on, MARCH 28TH! After that I will take over the worl[d].
Why does former president Donald J. Trump still want the Mexican government to help him to build a wall to keep them out because he is a christain nationalist on steroids
Man I hate the government
"Do you know the Annoying Orange?"
"Yeah, they elected him before Biden!"