Can people please shut up about "male privileges"? There is no right that men have that women don't.
Women have the right to genital integrity. Women can vote without having to sign up for the draft.
Women have the right to choose parenthood; men do not.
Women have the right to be assumed caregivers for children.
Women have the right to call unwanted, coerced sex rape.
Women have the right to lower jail sentences for the same crime.
Women have the right to not be assumed sexual predators.
Women have the right to government departments that solely serve their interests. They also have the luxury of "women only" events that men cannot even dream of. (They even took the boy scouts away from us.)
Women have the right to government-enforced gender quotas.
Women have the right to exclusive tax benefits for being a business owner.
Women have the right to domestic violence shelters.
Women have the right to not be assumed the primary aggressor in a domestic dispute.
Women have the right to rape a man or boy, and if she gets pregnant from that man/boy, they can sue him for child support.
So it is women who have more rights.
So shut up, feminists, please.
extremely harmful bro not cool. feminists want equality. women aren’t better than men, but they aren’t worse either.
some random name
Both genders aren’t that good sometimes
Women don’t rape first of all also this is a damn joke sight not a damn sexist site so shut up
Harvey what the fuck are you talking about, women do rape
No they don’t! When the heck on the news did you here a women rape a stupid ass man bitch!!! 😠😡🤬
Harvey, that’s because when women rape men it’s not taken seriously enough to be put on the news, when men rape it is tho
@harvey and @mark. Women rapists are a thing but males aren't taking seriously because the world we live in people just will say, nah man bet u enjoyed it tho. I just did research on female rapists and ya literally nothing pops up it just shows helplines and talks about males. But women can rape men it's just not common and ya literally no male comes forward saying they were raped because its so hard to beilve. There is probably more men who keep rape to themselves rather than women.Bth gensRape
I was sexually abused by a woman as a child.
Btw different from guy above me
Tell me youre a INCEL without telling me youre an INCEL.
You're delusional. Male Privilege is a fact.
this got fuck up real quick i was just tryna look for a joke goddamn
actually stuff like "Women have the right to rape a man or boy and if she gets pregnant from that man/boy they can sue him for child support." is not true, please fact check dude.
because... due to hormones, more males are attracted to sex then females which is why there ARE more male rapers then female's
I don’t like how misogynistic this Anonymous is. The reason why women have the right to be the assumed caretaker is because she is probably at home taking care of his children, cooking his dinner, and keeping the house clean. And what is he probably doing? Going out drinking with his buddies.
''Women have the right to call unwanted, coerced sex rape.'' --so unwanted heavily persuaded sex onto the woman is not rape? hah
Damn bro you hurt
Let me see if I can sum up what you're saying in fewer words- here's what I heard- "I'm a sexist moron"
Let me see if I can sum up what you're saying in fewer words- here's what I heard- "I'm a sexist moron"
How tf some can say someone or equal to men? 80%of invention are by man. Go prepare me a sandwich feminist woman
He is literally making things up
i agree with @Timtam @rando @Gwen and @mark. Harvey shut the fuck up my uncle was raped by a women and sexually abused by 2 Men being raped is real its really sad how most of people think its not real
and women's equality is not a joke. Please think about the jokes you post and how it affects others.
Yeah Girl Scouts was lame for me and I’m a girl
You make some good points, but the fact that you came to a rape joke place to say this is really disturbing.
Women raping men doesn't make it on the news because the media wants us to believe that men are the issue. But women raping men is a thing.
So all you feminist assholes, shut the fuck up. Men used to have more rights, but it changed. For a while is was all equal, but now the government is fucking everything up. Now women have, without a fucking doubt, more rights than men. All the ads you see on YouTube is about women wanting more rights. How is that equal?
And I'm not saying that men having more rights is a good thing.
Men and women aren't equals. Men are better at some things and women at others.
Anus McDickNuggets
Late comment here. I believe in equaluty,. Its amazing how quuckly men have been demasculated. Social media, the news, talk shows and many more channels paint men as the bad gender. Much of the media is influanced by people in other countries. For thousands of years, men were the protectora, the builders, the providers. Men built the houses, the towns, the cities, and the countrys around the globe. They maintain the electeic grid, they keep the sewers maintained, but in just 50 years, their identity has been crushed. Testosterone levels have been dropping in men foe decades. Men have higher suicide rates than women, men die more often while working, men DO receive harsher prison or jail time than women. Men have been the spine of civilation, women have been the heart. Both are needed to the other. To weaker a country, dividing the people is top priority. Turn the population against itself and spread propaganda in colleges that leads to self loathing... and the structure falls apart.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Woman use the sexists as an excuse for venting.
Most women are whores
Women are not better than men. Remember Eve came from Adam's ribs so shut up women sexists
@Noah Amen
Fuck society
Thank you we need more people in this world like yourself stating facts not some little bitches opinion again thank you
Again, amen.