I asked the gym trainer what type of machine I should use to get the best looking women.
He said the ATM outside.
I asked the gym trainer what type of machine I should use to get the best looking women.
He said the ATM outside.
Roses are red. Watches are gold. Get on your knees and do what you're told.
What’s the difference between your sister and a bowling ball?
I can only get 3 fingers in a bowling ball!
What do women and KFC have in common?
After you get done with the thighs and breasts, all you have left is a greasy box to put your bone in.
Dagger. This is to get your attention, for Dagger Jr. and I. We'd like to speak with you, and possibly Lynx, if we can find a time to all talk.
So, a man finds a woman on a train track while he's on his way to a bar, and they had a lot of sex.
When he gets to the bar, he brags about the different sex positions they used, and one of the guys says, "Oh, did you do head?"
He responded with, "No, I couldn't find the head."
How is a child molester and Harambe the same? They both get shot for touching little kids.
What’s the best way to get people to remember your birthday? Kill yourself.
Finally, some social platform where you can talk about Muslims and not get bombed.
Obv, unless you share your residence.