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What did the blind kid get for Christmas? He hasn’t seen it yet...

What did the kids with no arms get? He doesn’t know, he’s still trying to figure out how to open it. :))))

Politicians and diapers have one thing in common: they should both be changed regularly... and for the same reason. Trump and Biden didn’t get the memo.

My boss said she would’ve loved to meet bill Cosby as a child. I don’t get why im getting arrested, I was just making sure he dream came true

The good thing about being gay in school is that you can be the best student, and still get all the D's.


1. Wake up 2. Take a shit 3. Eat 4. Get out of bed 5. Have breakfast

My dad went to go get milk, he came back 7 years later and we had to send him back because he got the wrong milk

Boobs are like batteries... AA will get the job done... C is bigger than AA... D is bigger that C... ...and if they're square, you don't want to put your tongue on them!

what do you call an orphan if every other orphan gets picked? someone: ugly? me: no, trick question, they are still and orphan.