What does the 'w' in Africa stand for? Water.
How are mountains able to see?
They peak!
Person 1: "Where was Hiroshima?"
Person 2: "In Japan."
Person 1: "No wonder! That's why they never saw it coming."
Some girl just walks into my 6th period geography class. The first thing I think is, "Oh shit! It's mini Regina George without titties!"
The Arabian Sea is in which state?
What’s Mexico’s favorite sport?
Cross country.
Flat Earther pickup line: "The Earth may be flat, but Uranus is round."
Where do cows go on holiday? -- Moo Zealand.
You’re Russian when you go to the bathroom and Finnish when you come out. What are you in the bathroom?
How did I escape from Iraq, Iran?
A Texan and an Alaskan walk into a room, and the Alaskan says, "My state is bigger." Then the Texan says, "It won't be when it melts."
Flat earthers are completely wrong. If the earth was flat, I would have yeeted myself off the edge years ago!
How did I get to Iraq? I ran.
What do you call the wife of a hippie? A Mississippi.
Yo mama so fat, she uses the equator as her belt.
Yo mama's hairline got so many peaks and valleys, you thought you were looking at the Grand Canyon.
What is the most dangerous mountain? Kilimanjaro.
Did you know that Iceland is only one sea away from Ireland?
Scientists found water on Mars, mars-1 africa-0.
Your face is crustier than the Sahara Desert.