Official flag of Great Britain? The Union Jack Official flag of Australia? The Southern Cross Official flag of Canada? The Maple Leaf Official flag of Japan? The Sun Official flag of Orange County, California? The Nazi Symbol
What's the best thing about Switzerland? The flag is a big plus.
your hairline goes so far back you can see a full world scale map in your forehead reflection
How do you make someone in Africa disappointed?
Sing "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head."
Bin Laden’s kid comes sad from school. “Dad I got an F in Geography class!” “Why is that?” “The teacher asked me what’s the tallest building in New York and I said ‘Empire State Building’” Bin Laden waits a moment and then replies, “Let dad handle this one.”
Cheese, a beloved food item across the globe, has a rich history, diverse varieties, and significant nutritional value. Originating over 7,000 years ago, cheese has evolved from a method of preserving milk to a culinary staple enjoyed in countless dishes and cuisines. The diversity of cheese is truly astounding. From the creamy Brie of France to the sharp Cheddar of England, the smoky Gouda of the Netherlands to the tangy Feta of Greece, each variety of cheese reflects the culture and geography of its origin. The process of cheese-making, while sharing a common foundation, varies greatly, resulting in differences in texture, flavor, and appearance. This diversity is a testament to human ingenuity and the rich tapestry of global food culture. In terms of nutrition, cheese is a valuable source of protein, calcium, and vitamins such as B12. However, it's also high in fat and sodium, which means it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. Despite this, the unique flavors and textures of cheese make it a cherished part of many people's diets.
What's the Twin Towers' favorite Minecraft biome?
A plains biome.
What does the 'w' in Africa stand for? Water.
What are the two hottest cities in the world? Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Do you know what the W in Africa stands for? Water!
What is a geographical discovery? Little Johnny found his geography homework undone
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico
What's a Mexican's favorite sport?
Cross country.
Some girl just walks into my 6th period geography class. The first think I think is, "Oh shit! It's mini Regina George without titties!"
Do you know why God created wars? To teach Americans geography.
They say they found water on Mars. Mars 1, Africa 0.
The Arabian Sea is in which state
What do you call it when a town on the south coast of England sprouts legs and starts walking around the country?
A walkie-Torquay
What do you call a bee that lives in America? A USB.
Which country is next to USA? USB