Site nearly as dead as my trim
Why did the carrots laugh?
They saw Mrs. Green Pea over the fence.
Why is Pluto a dwarf planet?
Because it looks like a g-nome.
Why did the rapper start gardening?
He wanted to get more ROOTS in his rhymes.
I'm thinking of getting a job as a gardener--pushing up the daisies!
Someone is adding dirt to my garden! The plot thickens!
What is the only thing lesbians now how to grow? Cucumbers
Why did the rapper become a gardener?
Because he wanted to GROW his fan base
My gardener found a dead body. Of the old gardener!
The potholes so big in Oklahoma Can make a whole garden.
My plants in my garden are like the Twin Towers; neither of them fell, just the flowers.
What do you call a rapper who's also a GARDENER?
Snoop Soddy Sod.
What do you call a rapper who LOVES to garden?
Lil Plant
Why did the rapper become a gardener?
Because he wanted to drop some fresh BEETS
I’ve seen more life in a trampled garden gnome then in BLESSEDBRIAN’S jokes
Why did the rapper take up gardening?
Because they wanted to GROW their FLOW.
Fella walks past a mental hospital; they're all out in the garden behind this big fence, all shouting "13, 13, 13, 13," etc., over and over again.
This fella is intrigued, sees a little hole in the fence, looks through it... gets fucking poked straight in the eye!
Then they all start singing, "14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14!"
Why did Adam commit suicide? Andy went through the back door.
So, if being a paedophile is a career, then burying the bodies must be gardening.
What happens when you see corn looking at you in your window?
A corn stalk!